Elon Musk-Installation der Künstlergruppe Rimini Protokoll als Schenkung von MSU
© Puppentheatersammlung, SKD, Foto: David Pinzer

ALTER EGO Bootleg – a multimedia puppet show in three rooms

by Rimini Protokoll (Haug / Kaegi) | A production of the Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden and Rimini Apparat

The first year-long exhibition in the Puppentheatersammlung’s new home in Kraftwerk Mitte is an immersive multimedia installation. The multi-room experience was conceived, designed and realised by the internationally renowned label Rimini Protokoll. Travelling through the spaces of the exhibition, the audience falls under the spell of an automated presentation in which puppet theatre becomes a metaphor for a digital world full of invisible threads.

  • Exhibition Site Kraftwerk Mitte
  • DATES 07/09/2024—29/06/2025
  • Opening Hours Thursday to Friday 14—18 Saturday to Sunday 10—18 (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Admission Fees normal 7 €, reduced 5 €, groups (10 persons and more) 6 €, under 17 free


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ALTER EGO Raubkopie – Ein multimediales Puppenspiel | Rimini Protokoll im Kraftwerk Mitte
ALTER EGO Raubkopie – Ein multimediales Puppenspiel | Rimini Protokoll im Kraftwerk Mitte

Lassen sich

Can puppets be seen as the predecessors of artificial intelligence? Where is the boundary between the visible threads of that original avatar, the puppet, and the algorithms of an automated, or even self-learning system? The legend of the autonomous puppet, a puppet that rebels against its creator and player can be found throughout the history of puppet theatre. Time and again, our perception, fired on by our empathy and our mirror neurones, has emancipated the puppets and made them independent. That legend is seamlessly adaptable to the virtual stage of digital image production, where it has taken on a new political explosiveness.


Helgard Haug

Helgard Haug and Stefan Kaegi together with Daniel Wetzel founded the theatre label Rimini Protokoll in 2000. They have been working under this name in various constellations ever since, developing plays, interventions, scenic installations and radio plays. They also like to express spaces or social systems in theatrical formats. Many of their works are interactive and are characterised by a playful approach to technology.

In Kooperation

In co-operation with the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch (Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts), Abteilung Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst (Department of Contemporary Puppetry).

Sponsors and partners



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