Bücherhelden auf der Puppenbühne

Today, the majority of puppet shows are based on popular books. In particular, illustrated books are popularly dramatised. The hero of the play can be “tailored” to its role model, as is possible only in puppet theatre.

  • DATES 02/03/2016—23/04/2017

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The exhibition covers a wide area with many figures, from the Baroque figure of “Don Quijote”, to the tall tales of Baron “Münchhausen”, through to the book lover “Mortimer Folchart” in the “Inkheart” trilogy. Wilhelm Busch’s two rascals “Max und Moritz” are presented along with the immortal “Little Prince” and the inseparable friends “Pettersson and Findus”. Directors and puppet designers search for forms through which they can tell the story. The viewer should see his or her story as it plays out in their head. Therefore, the exhibition not only shows the books and figures but also the drafts which display this search for form. Book and reading enthusiasts large and small can read, tell, browse and discover!

Puppe, trägt relativ luftige Kleidung und einen Schal
© SKD, Foto: Frank Höhler
Der kleine Prinz, Tischfigur von Rainer Schicktanz zu dem gleichnamigen Buch von Antoine de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943) Radebeul 2007. Schenkung des Künstlers.
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